Our rodeo has two nights, and they were in each. The first night, their team came in third and won $30 each. Luke was on the head of the beast and Scott was holding her tail while Dr. Fowler did the milking. From the pictures you can see that it did not work out so well for Luke. So for the Saturday night rodeo Luke told Scott he would be on head. However they decided that both of them would hold the head. With both boys manhandling the cow and Dr. Fowler's quick milking skills they finished in about 8 seconds for first place. Their pot was much bigger and they walked away with $120 each.
It was exciting and fast and I think for 8 seconds of work and $120 bucks maybe we should join the rodeo circuit and and I can be a professional athletes wife.
Sounds like it could be an interesting and exciting vocation, to say the least. I wonder how much you would have to pay for high risk insurance.