Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Roy Got Here!

I'm sure by now most of you have heard the story of the delivery, but I figured I better get it posted before I start forgetting the details (HA, like that will happen anytime soon!). So after a doctors appointment Monday afternoon (5/18), being a eleven days overdue, and dialated to only a one and a half/two, I told my doctor I wanted to be induced ASAP. She called the hospital and they said we could come in at midnight. Scott and I went to Red Robin before going home to sit and wait. Finally we made it 11:06 and Scott said we better take off.

We arrived at the hospital right on time (parking is really good in the middle of the night) and headed up to the third floor maternity ward. The gal at the front desk perked up and asked if we were the midnight induction. We signed in and were shown our room. Our first nurse, Sascha, got all the monitors hooked up, my IV put in and at 2:00 am she put in my cervadil. I had Scott bring the wii with us and he played bass fishing, though he felt bad that I was laying in bed and he was up playing (I didn't mind in the least). About 3:30 we decided that we were both tired and ready to try and sleep. I woke up at 4:40 in horrible pain and my loving husband was out like a light and completely out of reach. So I did what any good wife would do, I suffered in silence. Sascha checked me at 5:30 just before her shift was over and I was still a two. My next nurse, Denise, was really sweet. She got the shower turned on for me and put a chair in it. I sat in there and ran the shower head across my belly trying to relax a little. After contemplating it more than once, a lot more than once, I decided to get the epidural.
The anesthiologist came in and after a short time I was nice and numb from the waist down. The worst part is the initial poke and getting the shot of novacane to numb me up for the catheter. And compared to the contractions, the epidural was nothing. For those of you scared of needles, I didn't even see them until everything was all done and they were laying in the tray and I could move from my little ball curled into Scott's lap. After that I layed on my side and relaxed. I was able to sleep for a while. Lisa Bayer, the midwife who would be delivering Roy, came in at 9:00 to take out the cervadil and check me. Scott and I got a great surprise when she told us I was dialated to a 7! She was going to break my water then, but the rest of the team was in surgery and wouldn't be done for another half an hour. She came back at about 9:45ish and I was a 9. The little tool was even needed to break my water. It broke when she checked me. About another hour later I was a 10 and ready to start pushing. Pushing was a different experience. Holding my breath for the count of 10 and pushing that whole time, with everything else numb, I really felt the pressure in my face. But after an hour of pushing, and some assistance from the vacuum, our little guy was finally here. And he is perfect! I held my sweet baby on my belly and cried. He's the perfect blend of me and Scott and we couldn't be prouder.

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