Monday, November 9, 2009

It's the GREAT Pumpkin Roy Brownlow!!!

We bought Roy a giant pumpkin at Safeway to go along with the smallish medium ones that Grandpa grew in his garden. This thing was big, Roy could have easily fit inside it and I could hardly lift it even after the thing was hollowed out. Scott cut off the top for Roy so he could get the guts out. After Roy got his hands gooey and tried to eat it, I put the kibosh on that idea and told Scott Roy could be an observer, but not a participant. I'm sure that'll come up at his future therapy sessions, but I couldn't think about my sweet baby getting all gross and pumkin gutted. Plus you know that Mom is the one who would have to scrub it off after all was said and done with the guts having dried out on him. Not what I call a happy ending to our family night. So Roy posed for a few shots, then watched his Papa make him one happy jack-o-latern.

You can't tell but Scott and Roy are on the right side of this picture. Roy just stared at the "pumpkin with fire in his eyes" (no worried Uncle Brian, no bad dreams)

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