Monday, May 11, 2009

Getting Ready for Baby!

These pictures are about 8 weeks old. I'll try to get some of more current ones of everything all done so you can see our cute littel nursery nook, and picture of my big belly for all or your curious eyes.

Well, we're coming to the end of our fourth day past our due date. I feel little twinges here and there, but so far nothing significant has happened. Scott took me for a drive on a logging road he's dubbed the "agitator". Apparently it isn't quite agitating enough. We go to the doctor in the morning, my hope is that she'll say we need to get to the hospital or at least go walking at the mall and come back after lunch to get checked again. But seeing as how I'm following family tradition, she'll probably send us home and schedule another appointment a few days out. I'll try to be good and keep up with this blog and let everyone know how we're progressing, so check often!!!!


  1. oohhh! I'm the first person EVER to leave a comment on your blog! I'm telling ya, that once you are in teh thick of labor you are going to be wondering why you were wishing this upon yourself! Good Luck!

  2. I'm mad! That comment showed up as Hayden saying it, but it was really me, your cool sister in law, Sheila!

  3. I was wondering why Hayden was posting about being in the thick of labor!

    Welcome to blogdom. I'm glad you jumped on board so I can see all the fun with my new nephew, even if the stinker missed my birthday. He had a perfect shot at being the instant favorite, and I do intend to be rich someday. ;)

    I'll keep my fingers crossed tomorrow for good news at your doctor's appt.

  4. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of little Roy. Your mom promised to let us know when he comes, but not in the middle of the night! Hopefully it will be soon. I love the blog.

  5. Sorry things aren't going faster, I know exactly how you feel...but a month from now you'll be totally exhausted no matter when he comes, so in the long run a few days won't matter. But I know it sucks waiting.

  6. I have a stalker now because I texted some guy and asked him if he was havin' a baby yet...ha, ha. Glad I have the right number now. I can't wait!!!

  7. Oh, honey...I'm sorry you have to wait, I know you want to just hold him....Roy will be here soon enough, and he will be well worth the wait!!
